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Frank Oriti with Mars Trucking has done it again! Within the past 24 hours Mars Trucking has added $2,000 into the Inaugural Buckeye Figure Eight Nationals Outlaw F8 purse!Yesterday Frank added to the winner, now he has added money to 2nd through 6th. Below is the position, old payout, added $ and new adjusted payout listed!Oh yeah. Name change!! The event will now be named the Inaugural Mars Trucking Buckeye Figure Eight Nationals! Thank you for all you do Frank!
1st- 3,000 ———- 1,000 ——- 4,000
2nd - 2,000 ——— 500 ———- 2,500
3rd - 1,000 ———- 200 ———- 1,200
4th - 750 ———— 100 ————- 850
5th - 600 ———— 100 ————- 700
6th - 500 ———— 100 ————- 600